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The Longevity Brain Festival
A ground-breaking 2 day transformative event
(Sydney late 2024) 

  • Find out how lifestyle advancements, scientific interventions and emerging fields can enhance and optimise your brain health.

  • Learn the latest evidence-based medical science, therapies, technologies, and future possibilities, that offer the potential to keep your brain active and healthy as you age.

  • Gain insights from a diverse range of brilliant minds, including interdisciplinary experts, pioneering neuroscientists, dedicated educators, healthcare professional.

  • Experience TED-style presentations, captivating panel discussions, Q&A, and immersive experiences.


If you're looking to steer clear of a nursing home 

in your older years, then this event is for you.


Topics to explore and uncover to equip you with the knowledge

and know-how to optimise your brain as you age.


General public -

For anyone who wants to live better longer as they age and not end up in a nursing home.

Healthcare professionals including specialists, allied health practitioners, clinicians -

Gain valuable insights and takeaways for you and your patients.

Other stakeholders - 

Educators, students, industry representatives, researchers, entrepreneurs and policymakers with a vested interest in longevity and brain health. 


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